The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5704   Message #32749
Posted By: Barry Finn
16-Jul-98 - 11:18 PM
Thread Name: Mud Cat (UK)
Subject: RE: Mud Cat (UK)
Harpgirl, you were a liveaboard so I'm guessing my explanation may be fair to understand (I'm known for my discriptions that leave people lost). What would normally be the fors'l on the mainmast would be a stays'l if it had no boom & was rigged to the aft mast, now picture between the mainmast & the stays'l, which now has a boom & is no longeg loose footed, a sail that's like a wiskbone or a V, with a second boom at the top of the V, above which you'd fly a trys'l or a fisherman. It's a way to narrow a vessel's identity down by it's rig (the odder/rarer the easier) as you could with describing her bow, hull type, stern, etc. I hope you're doing alright with all the smoke, fire & ash. Wish you could've had some of our wet season. Good Luck. Barry