The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142208   Message #3277708
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
21-Dec-11 - 10:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Virgin Mary & pregnancy test
Subject: RE: BS: Virgin Mary & pregnancy test
Shining Wit, in society, we all live nursing our different beliefs, religions and tenets. Many of these are held most strongly and each will defend his/her own creed with vigour. The knack I suppose is for each of us to edge with respect around the other, and to try not to inflame or upset unnecessarily wherever possible. In UK, for example, we have a myriad different mores, religions, customs etc, and generally speaking we try to respect those of a different persuasion. If we did not, attitudes might harden, tempers flare, hatreds fester and eventually this may erupt in civil violence etc. We must just try to 'get along' and apply a little kindness and understanding. I do not foist my religion/culture on anyone, but this is a forum, and one may express views. As you may know, my husband is a Muslim yet we live in harmony together because we each respect the other's right to believe what he will, and would never contemplate mockery, insult or blasphemy with regard to the religion of the other. Even he was shocked at the poster of Mary. If he can understand the distress it causes, maybe others can too?