The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142208   Message #3278000
Posted By: gnu
21-Dec-11 - 07:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Virgin Mary & pregnancy test
Subject: RE: BS: Virgin Mary & pregnancy test
"Like it or not, we live in a free society where we get to say any non-violent thing we choose. Part of the reason so many people are wary of Christians is that so many of them think they have the right to tell other people how to think and how to behave. Please stop it."

And, then, there are good manners. Now, as I have said countless times, fuck em if they can't take a joke BUT this is on a billboard in public. It's NOT about the very basics of humour or whether ANYone is telling others what to say or do... it's about WHERE they do it. Ya wanna tell a dirty joke, go ahead... just not at MacDonald's in front of Ronnie and the kids... okay? Ya got that? It ain't rocket science. Zip it.

And, if you think it's fine to tell dirty jokes or picture the Mother Mary in such away in front of YOUR kids, go ahead... but you sure as fuck don't speak for everyone and THEIR kids. I would suggest YOU stop it and get some manners.

Oh, BTW, I don't give two shits from Tuesday about it... except for the fact that I cannot believe that some people believe they can be rude to others and then be rude to them about their "right" to be rude. It baffles me. Decorum and good manners in public seem to be a thing of the past. How very unfortunate that some disregard the feelings of others in such a callous manner.