The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142316   Message #3279908
Posted By: catspaw49
25-Dec-11 - 05:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bah, Humbug
Subject: RE: BS: Bah, Humbug
He also has the llama but it too is wanting Jacqui to get home so the poor thing can rest. I had a good Christmas Kendall.....If you missed it, let me explain....................

Many of you are familiar with what my son Michael went through starting about age 13 with depression and the resultant RAD with cutting and even attempted suicide. After 3 hospitalizations and time in a treatment center along with a load of drugs and counseling, he began making a comeback in late 2007, age 16. He still struggled with school and the schools were struggling with him. After a year of home school we tried public school again and then gave up and just went for the home school route permanently.

Socially and emotionally he was making progress and last year when I spent two months in the hospital he stepped up to the plate and really grew up. One of the great joys of my life has been to see the truly wonderful relationship he now has with his Mom. When I hear them laughing together in the kitchen it is hard to believe that just a few years back he screamed at Karen, "You stupid fuckin' bitch."

Mike is now off all meds and all counseling and really doing well but I still worried about school and getting his GED. A few months ago he just finally said, "Dad.....that's enough. Let me take the test and then we'll see what I have to do next." I agreed. I hoped he would pass a portion of it and then he would have a better feeling about what else we might need to work on and any special accommodations we might want to apply for. So he turned 19 on 11/25 and he took the GED on the 16th. Yesterday we got the results via computer at sister Connie's prior to our Christmas Eve supper.

And he passed. He passed them all. He passed them all with some fine scores and on the first sitting and without special accommodations. I cannot tell you how proud of him we are. If he was graduating from Harvard with a PhD I could not be happier.

I suppose most parents find that moment, that epiphany, with their children and even though we had it with Tris and could see a future for him, I feared Mike would never pull it together but he has..........and somehow in that moment yesterday my view of him changed completely. Now he is an adult...and he at least has a shot.

Thank all of you who have been supportive of us and thanks for reading. I may stick this post on a couple of threads so if you find it have pity on this happy Dad and don't bitch!
