The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26967   Message #328124
Posted By: Skipjack K8
26-Oct-00 - 07:34 PM
Thread Name: Aly Bain & Phill Cunningham - Brigg - UK
Subject: Aly Bain & Phill Cunningham - Brigg - UK
Just got back from the abovementioned gig in North Lincolnshire. Now I'm sitting here trying to write at least a brief review, words are failing me.

I'm as biased as a crooked roulette table about such things, but the fiddle and squeezebox are my idea of the perfect sound, and tonight was the pinnacle of my musical experiences. Aly did something in what I think he called Norwegian tuning, which featured both bouncing the bow and plucking open tuned strings with the left hand, all at the same time. He was honest and admitted he needed a few drinks before attempting that one!

Phill was using Midi on his basses, which was the personification of Iris (Is it Iris?) Tulloch, although she was sadly missing. Watching his right hand style was mesmerizing, covering an octave and a half at impossibly quick speed.

The stories got taller, as the duo seemed to enjoy the reception; tales of Fergie MacDonald's kilt being eaten by his accordion, and thinking "Do you know your willy's hanging out" was a tune by Phill Cunningham! The craic was good, and the duo ended up a couple of hours playing with a blistering, multi-keyed rendition of the "Fairy Dance"

Boxette, the Bloke in the Corner, and Sam Pirt were there, too, representing the 'Cat, which I can confirm Phill Cunningham has visited!

