The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142371   Message #3281386
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
29-Dec-11 - 04:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Don't Go to Samoa on Friday
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Go to Samoa on Friday
From The Telegraph:
Some of the island's 7000-odd Seventh Day Adventist members have said they will not recognise the change and will continue to observe the existing seven-day cycle. "God will not recognise our manmade right to drop a day from the calendar, thus changing the weekly cycle," said a local Adventist, Noeline Cutts, who noted that Sunday-keeping Christians will henceforth "unknowingly" be celebrating Sabbath on Saturdays.

They seem to be ignoring the fact that this just changes things back to how they were 119 years ago!