The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142241   Message #3281434
Posted By: Musket
29-Dec-11 - 08:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: The tacky side of Christmas
Subject: RE: BS: The tacky side of Christmas
Yeah, I buy into tradition..

Funnily enough LH, I buy into Jesus as well. As an example of someone who said love each other when everybody else found reasons to hate each other. No matter that a historical maverick was elevated to being more than just skin & bone like the rest of us; that was a plausible way of getting the masses to buy into the idea. Not a bad example of spreading love and tolerance. Obviously, to "believe" in him requires intolerance, but if there is a God, he sure understands irony....

No, its just that to point out the tacky side infers that the whole idea of Xmas is to some fixed agenda, and I suspect our friends who smile too much reckon they have a copy of said agenda.

Oh, I did have that ale you suggested LH. I then had another. After a while, everybody was my best mate.

Who needs religion when you have Pale Rider? And that comes in barrels you can see, feel and empty.

Happy N(hic!)ew Year!!