The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142391   Message #3282792
Posted By: YorkshireYankee
31-Dec-11 - 11:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: So that's why I feel like crap!
Subject: RE: BS: So that's why I feel like crap!
VTam, ~20 years ago (back when I lived in the US), after a series of alarming mistakes and misread test results by my GP & co, I came up with a little slogan to sort of remind myself that I can't count on any health professional 100%: "Nobody cares like I do."

(BTW, am not saying this to imply that you've been trusting yours too much -- I just hope that sharing it may bring you some comfort.)

Here's hoping that things now (finally!) start going your way and that this is the start of a much better, healthier and happier period of your life.

Meanwhile, hugs to you -- and your family.