The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20419   Message #328301
Posted By: Marion
26-Oct-00 - 11:46 PM
Thread Name: What Stash Is Kept In Your Guitar Case?
Subject: RE: BS: What Stash Is Kept In Your Guitar Case?
Besides the obvious fiddle, bow, and rosin, I carry:

- a garbage bag so if I get caught out in pouring rain I can cover the fiddle up.

- a quarter which was thrown into my case while playing outdoors

- airplane tickets; the fiddle was my carry-on last flight and I haven't gotten around to taken those out yet

- a silencer which I never use

- a handkerchief I took from my father's closet when we were cleaning it out after his death

- three used strings

- two pictures of women fiddlers that a friend ripped out of a magazine because they reminded her of me.

I would recommend the garbage bag, it sets my mind at ease. Though I suppose my case is fairly water-resistant I wouldn't be comfortable letting it get totally soaked through.
