The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111356   Message #3283558
Posted By: Jim Dixon
02-Jan-12 - 02:16 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: It's Afa Like It's Faither
Here's my first draft of a transcription from a recording I found on Spotify. As you can see, it needs some help.

By the way, Spotify never ceases to amaze me. It has this album even though Sleepytown Records' own web site doesn't advertise it yet. (It has descriptions of Volumes 1, 2, and 3, but not 4.)

As sung by Tam Reid on "The Bothy Songs and Ballads of North East Scotland, Vol. 4" (Sleepytown Records, 2011)

1. The weemen folk they mak ye smile when they begin tae chatter.
The funny things they stick aboot, the things that dinna matter!

2. They'll say things ... well, I say, wherever they should gather
And that thing is nae mair than this: "It's afa like its father."

3. There wis excitement doon the stair, noo ... gotten
They come fae haulf the street, I'm sure, an' some stopped in a-passin'.

4. For Mistress Jones, she'd got a loun; now Jones he's black an' burly,
And when he's seen its braw reid heid, nae winner he got girly.

5. Where Jones' mind uneasy grew, he had a cause well rather,
And a' the wives said: "There's nae doot it's awfa like its father."

6. There wis a baby born last week; its auntie sent a bunky,
A pair o socks, a frockie, too, an' nursery-rhymin' honky.

7. Now Auntie called while at its bath; this is the time they glory
Tae fuss aroon an gie advice, or tell a funny story.

8. But Auntie's sicht it's growin' dim; it wis smothered up in lather.
Says she, "Dear me! It's bald, I see, an' awfa like its father."

9. There wis a kirstnin in oor kirk last Sunday in the mornin',
Fin Jock Macpherson held his twins in any chairm adornin'.

10. A' thing wis goin on a' richt till yin begun a-yellin'.
Jock didnae ken fit richt tae dae; his face grew like a melon.

11. Syne someone got its bottle oot; the parson says, "Fore ...
See how it drinks and now methinks it's awfa like its father."