The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59418   Message #3283727
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
02-Jan-12 - 07:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Mother of all BS threads
Subject: RE: BS: The Mother of all BS threads
SRS..we cross posted...SRS: "There's no getting above the political fray, these days, without appearing to be rather mindless."

Quite the is the mindless who feel the need to be told what to think.....Not very CREATIVE, either!! The best solutions have yet to come forward..or at least be given 'coverage'. This is because the 'news media' are also controlled, and working on behalf of the controlling manipulators..who also 'contribute' to political 'solutions(?)' to the problems created and exploited, by them in the first place.

For instance, once they figure out a way to charge for one person doing an act of kindness to another fellow human being, they will make a law, and charge a fee!...and demonize anyone doing just that, outside their stupid 'law'!......It takes just a frame of mind, to do unto others as you would have them do to you....even if the 'law' gets in the way!!!

This country was founded where its citizens could do as they wished, as long as it did not infringe on the liberties and freedoms of another human being. the central government was supposed to defend our borders, and protect us, so we would have the freedom to do just that, while pursuing our own goals, hopefully productive. as it stands now, the government that is suppose to be protecting our freedoms is in everybody's shit, from cradle to grave. government needs to 'get back down'..and stop restricting US from the exercising, those rights.

I don't need to be instructed, who or what to hate, or fear, nor forced to be a part of their vision....I can do quite well on my own, thank you! you can also.

I didn't create the mess, nor did you, more than likely.....but we are stuck with the 'clean-up' and consequences. I say let those responsible, be accountable, AND stop promoting 'new fixes', which in reality are just more problems...all for a fee, of course!

Name a topic...and you will find a government program that initiated it, exploited it, and failed to remedy it...while encroaching their will, over our freedom!...oh, and making us pay for it, as well!

We are NOT in a recession....they won't even tell you the truth, either. We are in a depression, that they created, accommodating corrupt agendas, designed to make the 'corporate special interests' and the paid off politician PROFIT, in the short term, while we all suffer in the long term.

Now, I don't find any reason to be 'tolerant' or 'polite' so such actions, or purveyors and promoters of that kind of bullshit!. Do you?? ....even if they hide behind some politically correct concoction of 'good intentions'!

You KNOW people who are suffering from the damage of both party's corrupt policies, and there is NO reason, any further to make apologies and excuses for such foul behavior!...nor promote their messages of lying hogwash! Call it for what it is....and have a great day.....oh,......and don't forget to rinse the sink out, after your lunch!..(wink)