The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134693   Message #3284744
Posted By: Musket
04-Jan-12 - 12:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism
Hello Sailor!

Wow! I'm out of my depth here. Unlike you, I am not qualified to make clinical assessments.

You must be though, to drag the word "homosexual" into the debate. I don't understand that bit, so as I say, out of my depth. If by homosexual you mean that YEC is a load of cock, then I am with you in a tenuous way...

The other bit that is spooky is how you brought the flying spaghetti monster into your reply to, I think, my post, as opposed to the post it was mentioned in above? It is spooky because I joined the said church (largely because I like being called a pastafarian) in order to put something silly on the monitoring forms I get to fill in when doing work for the government. Atheist is an insulting term for those of us who see religion as irrelevant to us and a pain to society, although comforting for some.

So you don't think young age creationism is a fairy story? What, pray, is it then?

(Do you like how I managed to put the word "pray" in there? Does it make me sound like the voice of reason? Who here from The UK can remember the voice of reason, Woodrow Wyatt? it was pricks like him who made me act like a child of taunting mockery in the first place.)