The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26975   Message #328533
Posted By: Jeri
27-Oct-00 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: Help: Not Music. Research Paper
Subject: RE: Help: Not Music. Research Paper
Some links
Some more links
Even more links, and a search function
INFOMINE - "Scholarly Intenet Resource Collections"
Somebody else's study, with an e-mail address.
Links to on-line medical journals. Some of these work. Others, such as The American Journal of Psychiatry, you have to search for a bit.

Your paper would be mainly subjective without a study of some sort, and I think the subject fits more in sociology than psychiatry, but there are some great possibilities. I also have no idea what your actual assignment is - how detailed, how objective, etc. I think you may have problems citing sources since (I believe) little has been done to study human behavior on the internet.

I think there's been too much emphasis on the negatives of the internet, and almost none on the positives. Acedemics still eye it with suspiscion, and communities and relationships are viewed as "not real" because they don't involve physical contact. Take for instance someone who's physically isolated from others. The internet is one way they can interract with other humans, but they're (we're) bombarded with propaganda about internet addiction and admonitions to "get a life." While I'm sure there are people for whom the internet is destructive, there are far more who have found a community and new friends here. I haven't seen or heard anything about the positives. Oh well...all that and what I'm really saying is you've picked a good subject.