The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26892   Message #328539
Posted By: MiriamKilmer
27-Oct-00 - 11:23 AM
Thread Name: FSGW Getaway 2001-Which dates?
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway 2001-Which dates?
The getaway list is a simple moderated email list - not a newsgroup - managed and moderated by Don and Dolores Nichols. That means that members get messages in their own private email boxes, and they can respond to the whole list. Don or Dolores gets to decide whether the messages are sufficiently focused for the list. To join, you have to tell Don or Dolores that you want in.

It started out as "Netaway" but Don changed the name after getting swamped with spam.

For many years (long before Gore invented the Internet) my own motto has been "Never refuse a cookie." But some people have had unfortunate experiences with the digital kind. I will tell them about Bill's 'guard' program solution to the cookie problem.

For their sake (not mine) - is it possible to read and respond to Mudcat Forum threads as a guest without accepting cookies (i.e. if you have them turned off?).