The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26827   Message #328556
Posted By: Jim the Bart
27-Oct-00 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: Government---the bigger the better !!!!
Subject: RE: Government---the bigger the better !!!!
DougR - About that 25%

If I make a million a year my 25% is $250,000 on which I can live pretty well. If I'm making $30,000, my 25% is $7,500 on which I can live not well at all. That's why when George W. talks about equal tax cuts across the board and calls it "fairness", I can only laugh.

Carlin, about your last line - spoken like a true capitalist. Pay as little as possible to your indentured workers throughout their productive years, contribute to pension funds and social security begrudgingly (kicking and screaming all the way) and castigate an independent working man for "not providing for his future". Capitalist self-justification is sickening.

One more thing: someone in a past post stated that capitalists created jobs. That is only partly true. Capitalists create wealth - for themselves. As a bi-product of that act jobs are created, goods are created, and services are created. When a point is reached where more wealth can be kept by eliminating jobs, creating a narrower range of goods, or providing less services, jobs will be eliminated, etc.

How this will work under George W. (if, God help us, he is elected): George's oil buddies will move to drill for oil on publicly held lands. they will promise that this will ease our dependence on foreign oil and create jobs. George and the Republican congress will allow this over the objection of environmentalists and just about anyone who doesn't stand to make some money on the deal. They will cut access roads, clear timber, create pipelines, and drill, drill, drill. For a short period of time there will be some oil. The sale of SUV's will go on, alternative power research will be slowed, people in the oil biz will have jobs and Bush will crow over the "great deal he made for all Americans". Then the oil will run out. The jobs will be gone. The publicly held lands will be left to be cleaned up at our expense. Oil imports (which, like oil prices, never really went down)will go up again. And the oil barons will be that much richer. And it will all begin again.

Johnny Paycheck said it - "Take this job and shove it".

have a nice day.
Bart, who is not amused.