The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84537   Message #3286128
Posted By: Megan L
06-Jan-12 - 03:44 PM
Thread Name: Origins: martyr's hymn as mentioned in Rowan Tree
Subject: RE: Origins: martyr's hymn as mentioned in Rowan Tree
One record of a hym was one of the Wigtown martyrs.

" Margaret Wilson began to sing the 25th Psalm as the waters rose up her body, "Consider mine enemies, how many they are. And they bear a tyrannous hate against me". Finally one soldier came forward and upon pushing her body under the water said "Tak anither drink, hinny; clep wi' the partans". The reference to the partans or crabs, was made as the women are said to have grasped the stakes tightly. At a later time, when the tide had once again receded, the corpses of the two women were taken from the waters and under the cover of nightfall transferred to the Parish Kirkyard. A grave was hastily dug and they were laid in consecrated soil."

Given that the covenanters struggle ran from 1638 to 1688 that would preclude anything more modern. It is likely to have been a Psalm as even today in the Gaelic church Psalms are sung with a precentor and unaccompanied.