The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26827   Message #328648
Posted By: Frankham
27-Oct-00 - 02:25 PM
Thread Name: Government---the bigger the better !!!!
Subject: RE: Government---the bigger the better !!!!
I think we need Big Government to help protect us against the tyranny of Libertarians. :)

There are many ways of paying the price for ignoring the plight of the poor who can't afford medical insurance.

Robbery is in the eye of the beholder. When there are have-nots in our society, we all pay the price.

Although McCarthyism was a bi-partisan effort, it took the right wing longer to wake up. Some Republican stalwarts still defend what McCarthy did. Of course, they weren't hurt by it like some of the people I knew.

Here's a little ditty-in-progress as part of the folk process to the tune of Yellow Rose of Texas. Please feel free to add to it if called upon by the folk muse.

"There is Jesus Day in Texas As part of the faithful crowd, All sorts of Christians welcome, But no Jews are allowed.

You may talk about your holidays That you may like to push, But Jesus Day in Texas Doesn't beat around the Bush.

It's the sweetest little faux pas That you have ever seen It would make some folks in Congress Turn a darker shade of green.

You may talk about the principle Of separate Church and State Takes Jesus Day in Texas To keep Bush on the slate.
