The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142300   Message #3287155
Posted By: Joybell
08-Jan-12 - 03:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Wallaby Sun dancing
Subject: RE: BS: Wallaby Sun dancing
Janie -- there are quite a few. They're all cute. Some can fit in your hand -- Pygmy Possums. Have to look into it but the main ones encountered by city folk are Ringtails and Brushy-tails. We raised an orphan Brushy-tail and have released several Ringtails at our place. Our Possum was named Meliodora -- Dora for short. The tree Eucalyptus meliodora has the common name of "yellow box". True-love found Dora in a yellow box of papers. He accidently frightened her mother while taking the box off a high shelf. Dora's mother didn't return for her. Usually they do. Dora should have been in her mother's pouch but was almost at the back-riding stage. For years Dora brought her own babies to us as she begged for apple. Most of our "children" eventually become wild.
Cheers, Joy