The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142427   Message #3287872
Posted By: GUEST,mg
10-Jan-12 - 01:03 AM
Thread Name: Declutter & Accountability - January 2012
Subject: RE: Declutter & Accountability - January 2012
Well, sugar scares me too but not half as much as starches...we evolved to be able to metabolize small amounts of sugar via berries, fruits, honey etc. We did not evolve....most of us..Mediterranean people perhaps being an digest processed starches..people in ancient times really probably did not go around eating grasses...when they started to, like in Egypt, their health plummeted. L And he goes on about your body quits producing insulin when you are diagnosed iwth Type 2 diabetes..not necessarily...often insulin scores are way high...mine was 5 times what it should be...still not in a good range...we produce too much insulin, not too little...and it is nothing short of malpractice when a health person tells you otherwise without actually checking your insulin levels. You can do it in a simple blood test. It costs about $30 extra if they mjake you pay for it;. Pay for it. It supposedly is the most predictve score for future heart disease there is..

Assume the worst about sugar and high fructose corn syrup. I do not think it is benign. I think small amounts of sugar are OK for mostpeople, but notwhen mixed with starches, such as in cookies, cakes etc..OK in a bit of dark chocolate or high fat ice cream. Watch the processed (don't worry if simple or complex..pretty much the same to the body because complex means starches and they break down almost instantly to sugars) and ground up starches. Some people are OK with whole grains etc..some people can't handle those. Look to beans, lentils etc.

I am totally for a dual food stamp program to reduce the amount of purchasing people can do with them...but allow for a few treats. A major amount of money with specific foods that can be purchased, similar to WIC. A small amount for treats, sugary things, cokes etc. I think this would increase the health of people quickly. Worst combination of foods would be transfat, white flour, ;high fructose corn syrup, white sugar. Sounds like a cake mix? A store cookie..a doughnut. mg