The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142587   Message #3288447
Posted By: Little Hawk
10-Jan-12 - 11:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: I did not have sex with,,,
Subject: RE: BS: I did not have sex with,,,
In Liechtenstein. 1976. A member of the male staff in the palace got involved with one of the Prince's prize Weimaraners. It was a dreadful affair! He was tried and convicted of canine rape and sentenced to execution by trebuchet. The trebuchet overperformed and hurled him clear across the pricipality's eastern border, and he landed, fortunately, in a farmer's pond in Austria. The Austrian government was engaged in a pastry feud with Liechtenstein at the time and decided to give him refugee status. He now works as a bartender in Vienna.