The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142573   Message #3289051
Posted By: Bobert
11-Jan-12 - 09:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bird feeding stories/Tips
Subject: RE: BS: Bird feeding stories/Tips
Back around back around 2003 or 2004 the P-Vine and I had a pair of pileated woodpeckers frequent out feeder... Bow for those of you who don't know the pileated woodpecker, the pileateds are 16" to 20" with a flaming red crest and white underwing areas against raven black bodies... They are a bit clumsy and jerky and if Kramer was a bird he would most certainly be a pileated woodpecker...

But one night we were sitting on our deck watching the birds feed late when an additional pair of pileateds made their presence... Now most birders would kill for just one pair, we had two...

A couple nights later we got introduced to Woodie, Jr. who mom was feeding up on a limb about a 100 feet from the feeder... Now mom had her hands full with Woodie, Jr. in trying to teach him to land on the feeder so over the course of the next week or so it was Woodie, Jr. attempting to "stick a landing" (pilot's term) on the feeder and it was very amusing as Woodie hit everything but the lottery in his attempts to "stick that landing"...

But then, just when it looked as if he would never figure it out, God looked down and intervened and Woodie finally hit the feeder...

Most amusing time we ever had with any bird... By far!!!