The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142592   Message #3289199
Posted By: Silas
12-Jan-12 - 06:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Another Classic of Papal Infallibility
Subject: RE: BS: Another Classic of Papal Infallibility
"Silas, this is the official teaching of the Catholic Church on original sin. I don't agree with all of it because I have a brain of my very own and I was taught in Catholic school and seminary how to use it. Nonetheless, I think you will find it quite rational and balanced, and quite different from what you think is the teaching of the Catholic Church."

Please don't patronise me Joe, I don't do it to you and I don't expect it from you.

The 'Official teaching' has changed over the centuries as you well know. However, whatever the official teaching, families have been told, till very recently that their dead children, if not baptized before death, would not be able to share a place in heaven with them, at one time they went to hell, later they went to 'limbo'.
There is nothing 'rational and balanced' about the teachings of the RC church. It is a case of brainwashing and indoctrination from birth and a life shrouded in a man made guilt.