The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26975   Message #328971
Posted By: Max Tone
27-Oct-00 - 10:53 PM
Thread Name: Help: Not Music. Research Paper
Subject: RE: Help: Not Music. Research Paper
I came down, sleepless, at 3am, to post a moaning HELP thread on how to stop hating -- (my ex's new husband, who tried to murder me - he failed, or I wouldn't be posting this!) I have to face the violent b*stard tomorrow, when I pick up my kids for my fortightly contact, hence the ingestion of Gin
Each time I go to post anything, I get lost in catching up with past threads I'm interested in, and soon lose my angst, and forget why I logged on, so it works!
Global therapy does the trick.
Just try the recent "I need a hug" thread - sorry, Internet Exploder cut me off, AGAIN, an' I ain't goin' back online just to find a URL

I'm sure there are many other chat rooms where the healing is just as good, but few where we all have a common interest.
As Taj Mahal wrote " Music keeps me together"
Good luck with your project.
Love, Rob