The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95097   Message #3290591
Posted By: Vic Smith
14-Jan-12 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: Ewan MacColl's trousers
Subject: RE: Ewan MacColl's trousers
A very important find indeed, Owen, and indeed I can add to it.

In her autobiography Mandy (London, Michael Joseph, 1980.), Mandy Rice-Davies mentions that after her notoriety broke, she toured Spain, Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore but was banned from entering New Zealand as a result of a complaint from the Girl Guides.

So it doesn't take a massive leap of imagination to realise that Mandy Rice-Davies and The Maid of Australia are in fact one and the same person. Q.E.D.

All the evidence now points in the same direction, especially - as Owen emphasises - that the Antipodean Maiden was distinctly trouserless.