The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26827   Message #329204
Posted By: Little Hawk
28-Oct-00 - 12:31 PM
Thread Name: Government---the bigger the better !!!!
Subject: RE: Government---the bigger the better !!!!
Gee, guys, let's go easy on the vitriol here...

The fact is, right wingers have high ideals when it comes to personal freedom and individual responsiblity to take care of oneself...and left wingers have high ideals when it comes to societal protection of people's wellbeing and human rights, and individual responsibility to assist others who are in need.

One is focused on the individual view of life, the other on the community view of life.

Either one of those views is valuable, and both of them have to be integrated in pretty equal measure to have a successful and healthy society.

Communists went overboard on the collective view of society, and extended state ownership over things they should have stayed out agriculture and retail stores and small manufacturing, and so on.

Capitalist have gone overboard and created a society that worships money above all other considerations, and creates giant profit-seeking corporations that are effectively unaccountable to anyone for the damage they do, since they are multinational and can move money all over the world. The giant corporation is very much like a Communist regime in its nature, only it has a longer reach (beyond the borders of any one country). It is impersonal, vast, and out of touch with the people it affects. It has long range objectives which are to the general detriment of the whole community. Its inner workings are hidden from public view. It is effectively above the law in any one country, because it can just move the jobs to some other country where the labour is cheaper, and the workers' rights less stringent.

Communists exploited people in one country for power and control. Corporations exploit people in the whole world for power, control, and MONEY. The only country where a corporation cannot reach is a "pariah" regime like the Taliban in Afghanistan, or Iran and Iraq or North Korea(at certain times) or some such wretched place. Those countries are made pariahs partly because of their own errors, but more because they have been shut out of the game...the BIG MONEY those who control it.

Right wingers and left wingers need to work together, using their higher ideals and integrating them in a coalition. Otherwise, the BIG MONEY system will continue to just gobble you both up, while using you against each other to keep you distracted. Divide and conquer.

Oh yes, and any society these days that does not provide free and complete medical care to all its citizens, rich or poor, at exactly the same level and a society living in a partial state of barbarism.

As a Canadian, I declare both Canada and the USA guilty of that....the USA much more so, however. Countries such as Cuba and Sweden have got it right in this respect. We do not.