The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137233   Message #3292554
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Jan-12 - 10:30 PM
Thread Name: Buddy Tabor- Songwriter
Subject: Great Buddy Tabor CD! 'Hope'
Someone on Mudcat sent me this CD awhile back. I think it was Ebbie. Anyway, it's marvelous. Buddy Tabor is from Alaska by the looks of it. He's got a collection here of the most heartfelt songs, some great protest songs and social comment, very moving stuff.

He's got a song that makes a satirical comment on the Rightwing notion that God has rewarded the rich for their righteousness and that's why they're doing so well and the poor aren't, of course, because they're's called "Jesus Loves Me (More Than He Loves You)".

There are 14 songs on this album and they're all great.

Thanks, Ebbie! (Or whoever it was...)