The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142789   Message #3293398
Posted By: ChrisJBrady
20-Jan-12 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Please' and 'Thank you' - or not ATCMB
Subject: BS: 'Please' and 'Thank you' - or not ATCMB
ATCMB = 'as the case may be'

Over the years I have found people in London and the UK in general to be increasingly rude and selfish when it comes to not saying 'please' and 'thank you.'

What is wrong with people? Is it due to the ear plugs that seem to be permanently stuffed into their ears and thereby distracting them from politeness and courtesy towards others?

What really riles me is when I am sitting in an aisle seat on the bus, train or even an aircraft; when the person sitting nearest the window wishes to go past they do NOT say 'please may I get past.' No. They simply stand and nudge me, or flick their fingers, or wave their hand, or worse simply push past. Then having pushed past anyway do they say 'thank you'? They do not.

Everyday I see bus drivers, and even some train drivers, wait for passengers running to catch said public transport. When these get on board do they thank the driver for waiting? They do not.

In London people on public transport love to stand by the doors thereby blocking easy exit or entrance. At times when I've said 'excuse me please, may we get out' I have nearly been physically assaulted for asking so. One guy took immediate offence and threatened to hit me because I'd even spoken to him. His ears were also stuffed with earpieces and he was completely blocking the exit to the bus.

This complete disregard towards others in what is increasingly a 'ME' society is also demonstrated everyday by

1/ people putting their bags on the seat beside them, I make it a point of always asking to seat on that seat - just to annoy them, or worse

2/ putting their filthy scummy shoes on the opposite seat.

This latter can be seen from tourists, stroppy yoofs, business men in suites, power dressed women, and scruffy manual labourers (many East Europeans who seem to delight in showing off their complete disregard towards their host country). But one of my few luxouries is to wear designer jeans that come at a price; and I strongly object to sitting on the dog shite and filth that others put on the seats that I have to use. AND PEOPLE EVEN PUT THEIR FEET UP ON SHITTY WET DAYS WHEN THEY'VE BEEN TRAIPSING THROUGH SCUMMY PUDDLES.

So in getting pi$$ed at the above attitudes am I being old fashioned. But why are people so bl**dy self-centred now-a-days. And why don't people say please and thank you when they want to get bye?