The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142789   Message #3293412
Posted By: ChrisJBrady
20-Jan-12 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Please' and 'Thank you' - or not ATCMB
Subject: RE: BS: 'Please' and 'Thank you' - or not ATCMB
"What really anoys me is when a younger person gives up thier seat or holds open a door for an older person and gets grunted at or ignored what do older people teach them with that behaviour."

Yes this happened to me yesterday. We were sitting downstairs in the 'old persons' seats on a London Bus. They were the only ones free. An even more elderly Seikh couple got on so we stood up and moved to the back in the aisle. They simply sat down without any acknowledgement to us whatsoever. A few of us looked at each other, but said nothing. I'm not being racist - I am simply reporting what happened.

But I too find older than average people sans earpieces equally as rude as the youngsters with earpieces.

I frequently get to the point when I loudly remark in the hearing of all on the bus (or train) - 'a please and thank you would be nice' as someone pushes past me - yet again.

Or if a bus driver has deliberately waited for someone running for the bus, when they get on board and ignore the driver, I say to them - loudly - 'I think the bus driver might like a thank you for waiting for you.' Usually they then make the effort to thank the driver!!

But if I'm in an aisle seat and someone wants to push past I sometimes sit there and make them wait. Luckily I can play games with my phone so I can easily pretend to ignore them. When he/she has started to get a bit agitated at my lack of movement and they then start digging me in the shoulder or arm for me to move, I say 'excuse me, what was that for.' Then they say 'I want to get past.' 'I then say 'oh that's what you want, why didn't to say something like 'please'.' Then they push past. And then I say 'hmm, a thank you would be nice.' If they still ignore me I remark 'oh well, not a thank you then.'

He he. I do remember one day that a young woman (with ears stuffed) was so intent on pushing past me without a word or an acknowledgement that I sat firm. Eventually the doors closed and she missed her stop. Am I a b'stard or what?