The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142427   Message #3293962
Posted By: wysiwyg
21-Jan-12 - 12:46 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Accountability - January 2012
Subject: RE: Declutter & Accountability - January 2012
We added more fiber and flavor with a can of greens added to a weekly red-rice pot (cargo rice, a type of brown). We get plenty of vitamins from the raw veggies we have each evening with supper-- this is just green gravy and a scoop of this rice can then be mixed with a couple of chunks of chicken or tofu.


I fixed a broken pull-out drawer in the fridge today by swapping in a larger drawer-- a plastic pull-out one that will make lots of lunch items more easily findable, and make it less likely we'll reach for the crap food after a workout.


My pulse-oximeter arrived ydy which will make getting an accurate HR at the pool much simpler-- we used one in aquatic PT. You can watch your HR climb as you work, and stay out of trouble-- as well as correlate HR to how it feels, so you can watch your cardio fitness improve. These have gotten much more affordable and, for me, are more important now than a pedometer-- for that I've been going by the wisdom (SRS?) that if my legs ache, I got to my step goal and maybe a tad over it.


In the dry-clinic PT, we have settled into a good, workable routine that even works when the only aide available is the one I had trouble with. (She got some good direction from mgmt and I got better self-advocacy strategies.) I know the equipment better now too.


I am really liking the shape emerging for the weekly exercise plan, where I do a bangup Thursday PT and a land or water cardio activity Friday... and then let the body rest/heal for two days of regular, active household and church stuff. I plan to make Saturdays my sleep-in-a-tad-late day.


This AM I installed an inexpensive lamp with a good, hevay base in the chilly, under-keyboard slot Hardi insulated for me last week in the office. The larger oil-rad worked well in the LR last year for spot heat, but this is a much tighter space... it's safer than a space heater and can be left on in the bad cold spells. Kitteh approves.


The drawers left over from the install I did in the fridge will be great for holding office supplies, in a cabinet where they have been piling up.


In the office, an organization plan is shaping itself in my mind. We didn't get the new shelves in yet, but I can see how I want the workflow to move thru the storage system it will hold-- space planning. And even tho the office is still so cold, I am looking forward to nesting in there a couple of afternoons a week on my work stuff.
