The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142821   Message #3294135
Posted By: MartinRyan
21-Jan-12 - 07:20 PM
Thread Name: Just where IS Glocca Morra?
Subject: RE: Just where IS Glocca Morra?
On the old main road from Dublin to Cork, just north of the town of Fermoy (in North County Cork) there's an old army encampment (once British Army, now Irish) at a place called Kilworth. Just outside the main entrance is an enormous roadhouse/pub called The Glocca Morra Inn. My guess is that it was once a whorehouse! I'm not sure whether the name is genuinely local or came from the song. I'll check.

BTW, there is also, nearby, (or certainly was when last I travelled that road) the ruin of what looks to have been a much smaller pub/inn, long since fallen in. It may well have been that one was used by officers and the other by other ranks. Just a speculation.
