The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26887   Message #329432
Posted By: Troll
28-Oct-00 - 09:26 PM
Thread Name: No Real Choice in American Elections
Subject: RE: No Real Choice in American Elections
Just remember that everyone thought that Truman was nothing but a machine politician and he seems to have done ok.
Sometimes-not often but sometimes- men rise to the ocassion and surprise even themselves.
As far as the US being a laughing-stock, so what. Do you really believe they will like us any better if we elect Nader, Gore, or the Tooth Fairy? International relations isn't about friendship. It's about self-interest; what can this country do for me.
Half the world thought Clinton should have resigned (Japan for instance) and half France etc) wondered what the fuss was about. I think he should have fallen on his sword to redeem himself but then I'm kind of partial to grand gestures.
