The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26975   Message #329436
Posted By: bbc
28-Oct-00 - 09:39 PM
Thread Name: Help: Not Music. Research Paper
Subject: RE: Help: Not Music. Research Paper
Hi, Carol,

Here's my two cent's worth--After the Columbine school shootings, my son was profiled in our area as being a student who might be a danger to his classmates. It was based on fears, rumors, scapegoating, & an association w/ a friend who had a record of some violent behavior. In my son's case (& his friend's, incidentally), there was no basis in reality. Nonetheless, the principal, assistant principal, & guidance counsellor were pulling him out of classes to speak w/ him & all the kids in school were talking about him. When I realized this, I acted on his behalf. One of the helpful things I did was start a Mudcat thread about Columbine backlash. Not only did I get support to back-up my child, but I got ideas & information as to how to go about it. I also found out that this was happening in various parts of the country. When I marched into the principal's office, I went not only w/ my fiance & former husband flanking me, but armed w/ the love & prayers of countless Mudcatters in various states & countries. I spoke w/ confidence & the principal (who had started the meeting as if she was in charge) quickly backed down. In a short time, we were talking about how the school officials were going to focus on locating the boys who were spreading the rumors about my son, instead of targeting him! Within a couple of days, they had located 2 boys who had a grudge against my son & his friend & the situation started to turn around. Although I would do almost anything to protect my children, the support I got through Mudcat really strengthened me.

This incident was the most dramatic for me, but Mudcat has encouraged, enlightened, & amused me many times. An international community, such as Mudcat, has various strengths to offer. For one things, because of different time zones, someone is always awake & available to respond. Understanding is promoted, as we realize that, although we have differences, we have much in common, as well. Just to realize that we *have* differences is helpful! Many folks don't travel much & don't have occasion to realize, in their *real* lives, how other folks live. Mudcat broadens our life experience.

I've also made some true friends through Mudcat. I've opened my home to Mudcatters I'd never met in person & had only good experiences. I've found that the way they portrayed themselves on Mudcat was the way they actually are & that, when we met in person, it was like continuing the conversation we had already started online in mid-sentence. I could go on & on. I think the Internet's strongest quality is the ability to bring people together. Hope this is helpful; let me know if there is anything else I can do.

best from bbc (Barbara in NY)