The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142802   Message #3294627
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
22-Jan-12 - 03:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ayn Rand
Subject: RE: BS: Ayn Rand
Deckman, I agree with you. The vitriol seems to mess up threads that could otherwise be a place of good info and input. I agree that the snide remarks we uncalled for......perhaps, he should read a little Tolstoy, as per suggested.


P.S. I just scrolled up to re-read my posts....nothing in them to warrant the issue of which you speak. Just ignorant reactions....politically based, I'm sure!
Nonetheless, I wasn't enamored by Rand's writings, though for a while, a lot of folks alluded to some of her ideas. I thought them a slice between Sci-Fi and futuristic imaginings. I liked them less than Robert Heinlein, who I thought brilliant!