The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142444   Message #3294777
Posted By: Janie
22-Jan-12 - 10:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Birdwatching 2012
Subject: RE: BS: Birdwatching 2012
Re: Carolina Wrens - bold little birds, very comfortable around humans. Leave your screen door propped open for 20 minutes in warm weather, or have a hole in the screen, and you WILL have Carolina Wrens in the house, if you happen to live in Carolina, which I do. I can't count how many times we had them in the house when I was married to a man who often propped the door open to move stuff in and and out then forgot to close it.

Several years ago I was moving stuff around and cleaning behind small appliances on the kitchen counter when I encountered what I at first thought was a speckled jelly bean that had somehow strayed from my son's Easter Basket collection of candy from a couple of months earlier. It was a Carolina Wren's egg that had been laid behind the bread machine on the countertop. I cried (silly me) when I broke it in the process of unpacking after my move.