The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26887   Message #329530
Posted By: Caleb
28-Oct-00 - 11:49 PM
Thread Name: No Real Choice in American Elections
Subject: RE: No Real Choice in American Elections
I have lived through Nixon,I have lived through Reagan. I watched my dad the Marine frisbee my Dylan records out the window in the Sixties, marched on DC in the Seventies, and implored B. Bradley,in correspondence, to run before the Elderbush/Dukakis debacle in the Eighties. Clinton was a bright spot until the Contract with America put Texas exterminators and Georgia demagogues in the drivers seat of the crane with the wrecking ball. Part of the failure of American education that no candidate mentions is that we have an electorate of morons,led by a media mob of simpering, finger to the wind snake oil salesmen...Argh!

S. Paton, Jacob B. and others above have nailed it. This is a big one! Tell your momma, tell your papa, tell your uncle tell your friend! The liar Shrub is a front for A Cheney Presidency. This W is a guy who bought his way into office,(an office with little power in a state which is County Government madness)on the strength of his daddy's rep and pandering to the unAmerican Right.

Have you seen the TV reports and poll numbers about "likeability"?? What!? You don't have to carpool with Al! As you walk through the subway, sit in traffic, stand in line at the supermarket, cruise the mall with your kids...look at the faces of the voters! Only one in three will go to the school or firehouse or town hall annex on Nov. 7! They don't have a buggerall clue!

This is a big one - vote responsibly - vote for Al Gore and a new Congress where real campaign finance reform and prescription drug assistance for the elderly will truly be on the table. This guy is light years more qualified than the Shrub. Didn't you see the smirk on W's face - he almost smacked his lips - when he gloated about 'putting people to death'- the guy is out there! It's four years people; we gotta get it right.

Jeez, maybe I better get back to that thread about what's in my guitar case....