The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26887   Message #329537
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Oct-00 - 12:00 AM
Thread Name: No Real Choice in American Elections
Subject: RE: No Real Choice in American Elections
If I were an American citizen...I would slightly rather see Gore win than Bush, but this doesn't indicate any confidence in Gore or his party. I consider both the Democrats and Republicans to be as "a sounding brass", noise and fury signifying nothing but their own desire for power, and the agents of the System in Amerika.

Who I would far rather see win is Nader. I know that he can't win in this election, but how do you expect to build something for the future that offers a viable alternative to the blandishments and emptiness the Donkey and the Elephant? You've got to vote your conscience in order to eventually change a rotten system.

Big parties have met their end before through repeated your own US history since 1776. The Democrats and Republicans can be brought down, but you can't do it if you keep voting for them every time. You've got to start voting for something new. The System owns the old parties, body and soul, and they are its errand boys. Bush and Gore are figureheads.