The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142789   Message #3295561
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
24-Jan-12 - 02:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Please' and 'Thank you' - or not ATCMB
Subject: RE: BS: 'Please' and 'Thank you' - or not ATCMB
LOL! Old and soft eh, MtheGM? Soft in the head I expect. Megan, I don't exactly have 'praise heaped on me' as the little blighters don't even contact me! I just feel that they might enjoy the little bits and pieces I give them. Also, I don't want to upset my sister, she's a widow with probs of her own, and if I blanked her daughters, she'd be v cross. She's a bossy old sod at the best of times, my sister! It's true though, one should examine ones motives at times like this. I'll have a good think next Christmas.