The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142802   Message #3296607
Posted By: Bobert
26-Jan-12 - 10:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ayn Rand
Subject: RE: BS: Ayn Rand
Wrong, Bill... I never called the US a "socialist state"... What have have said - over and over, BTW - is that the US, like every other country, is a hybrid state... Every country has some level of socialism and every country has some level of capitalism...

It the mix that makes them different...

There is no such thing as a a "socialist state" or a "capitalist state", for that matter...

The problem here is that the Republican party in particular has done a masterful job with their PR and demonized words - as if these words were "absolutes* - and once demonized these words take o a life of their own and can be used as weapons... Rather than accept the reality that all states are hybrids the Republicans use their "black 'n white", "good 'n evil" demonetization saying that Obama is a "socialist" knowing that they have carefully laid groundwork with their massive PR that will scare people...

A "socialist"??? Horrors... Masses running thru the streets like from some 60's Japanese horror movie...

One request, bill, por favor... If you are going to debate/discuss please por favor don't misquote me and then argue with me using stuff that I haven't written... That is intellectually dishonest...

Gotta go...
