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Thread #142452   Message #3297002
Posted By: GUEST,Iona
27-Jan-12 - 12:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Take that smug grin off your face, Iona, and read a book called 'The beak of the finch by Jonathan Weiner (Vintage Books, 1995) in summary:

"The Beak of the Finch tells the story of two Princeton University scientists - evolutionary biologists - engaged in an extraordinary investigation. They are watching, and recording, evolution as it is occurring - now - among the very species of Galapagos finches that inspired Darwin's early musings on the origin of species. They are studying the evolutionary process not through the cryptic medium of fossils but in real time, in the wild, in the flesh. The finches that Darwin took from Galapagos at the time of his voyage on the Beagle led to his first veiled hints about his revolutionary theory."

Also evolutionary processes happen all the time e.g.
when bacteria develop resistance to anti-biotics i.e. those bacterial strains, which are most resistant to ABs,
sutvive and propagate themselves whilst those with least resistance are eliminated from the population.


I don't want to be smug, Shimrod, and I beg your pardon if I came off that way. However, the facts that you present, Darwin's finches, are simply exhibiting microevolution , otherwise known as adaption. We don't see lizards changing into birds, and we never have seen that, even in the fossil record. We don't see species changing into another species, but we do see adaption. Adaption is the ability of the creature to change to fit better in it's environment, which changes are already programmed into the creature's genetic code by the Creator. Evolution says that monkeys can change into humans, that fish can change into reptiles, that reptiles can change into birds. What evidence do you have for that? What fossils have we found to support this claim? I see an awful lot of adaption being promoted as 'Evolution', but I have yet to see one species change into another.

Iona, let me put it to you this way:

Your vision of God is too simple. As is that of fundamentalists and Biblical literalists.

God is not some kind of "Super-Gandalf." He doesn't do the things He does, like create the sun, the earth, and the stars, and Man, and all the beasts of the earth by muttering some incantation and waving a Magic Wand.

Evolution is the way He does it. He flips the switch and the process takes care of itself.

A God who is only able to create things AS Is is too--Harry Potter--if you get my meaning.

Don Firth

I haven't seen Harry Potter or read much of the books, so I'm afraid I can't completely understand what you're trying to say. However, how can you say that my "vision of God is too simple"? I haven't said anything about my belief in God until now. I'm simply asking for evidence for evolution.

Shugarfoot Jack said:
"I'd like to hear somebody give me one--only one evidence for evolution."

Darwin's finches.

The development of resistance of some pathogens to antibiotics.

The mutation rate of the common cold virus.

Polymorphism in Capaea sp. shell colour.

The evolution of the Polar Bear from the Brown Bear.

I could go on but I suspect you're not interested in evidence anyway.

We don't see polar bears turn into cats. We see dogs and varieties of dogs, we see cats and varieties of cats, but there are no cogs and no dats! We see plenty of microevolution, but I have yet to see any macroevolution--one species turning into another. It just doesn't happen. There is overwhelming evidence for Creation and the worldwide flood of the Bible, but there is no evidence for millions of years or beneficial mutations. Evolutionists, at their very base of theory, believe that everything came from nothing. They believe that nothing existed and then *BANG!* the world and all it's glorious programming showed up.

"I could go on but I suspect you're not interested in evidence anyway.

On the contrary, I'm very interested in evidence. However, all that I've seen presented so far is simply adaption. I haven't yet seen evidence for evolution.