The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142938   Message #3297121
Posted By: Mr Happy
27-Jan-12 - 07:34 AM
Thread Name: Rapid playing: Loss of control?
Subject: Rapid playing: Loss of control?
In many music sessions, the pace at which the tunes are played often result in the melodies getting lost in a wall of noise.

In our sesh which is mixed songs & tunes, we've lately been deliberately been doing tunes much more slowly.

It's great!

Every note can be heard & there's much more opportunity for harmonies & counter melodies to develop.

However, lots have commented how difficult it can be to maintain a slower tempo & it's all to easy to go dashing off to high speed again unless great concentration & discipline is maintained.

Conclusion; it's harder to play more slowly.

An analogy here is of singing, no one tries to sing at breakneck speeds, so why with tunes?

Your thoughts?