The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142938 Message #3297176
Posted By: Mr Happy
27-Jan-12 - 09:25 AM
Thread Name: Rapid playing: Loss of control?
Subject: RE: Rapid playing: Loss of control?
I'm glad you mentioned dance.
There's 2 monthly events here in Chester [UK] for folk to practice:
* playing for dancing
* dancing
One's mainly tunes & dances in the Playford style, the other's French tunes & dances.
I've been regularly attending the playford sesh & the tunes are frequently done so fast that they don't fit the dances.
To my mind, the callers should set the timings, but they all are wannabe dancers & aren't experienced enough yet to do this.
There's a self appointed 'band leader' with a loudish melodeon, who just can't seem to play anything other than at the speed of lightening!
I've also attended the French sesh, where strangely the tunes are slow - I think due to their very nature.