The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142938 Message #3297461
Posted By: Stewart
27-Jan-12 - 04:46 PM
Thread Name: Rapid playing: Loss of control?
Subject: RE: Rapid playing: Loss of control?
Another thing is perhaps starting at a moderate tempo, but then ramping it up faster and faster. This might happen with a series of eighth or sixteenth notes which may be hard to finger, so you skip over some of the notes too fast, or you short change a longer note or a rest, and pretty soon you're playing much faster than you were when you started, and much faster than you're able to play well. All of this relates to your skill in playing. It takes a lot of concentration to play at a steady tempo. It's best to learn a new piece slowly, paying a lot of attention to the tempo, and only after that increasing the speed to a tempo that you can play well and that suits the music.
The point is that all of this takes skill and practice. Those that haven't the time or inclination to develop their skills and practice are the ones that fall into this trap.
Session playing can be a good experience, but it can also develop some bad habits. You can learn to play a ton of tunes poorly or fewer tunes really well.