The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142948 Message #3297995
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
28-Jan-12 - 02:35 PM
Thread Name: Extreme Folk guitar?
Subject: RE: Extreme Folk guitar?
Both human beings. Both done their best at musicianing. Both deserving of respect.
Sorry that you can't summon up any respect for this unknown bloke - perhaps if the Queen gave him the nod of approval, it might help.
I respect martin Simpson- can't imagine a guitarist who woulddn't beimpressed, or a songwriter who wouldn't have loved to have written -never any good with money. I've seen him a few times. I'm not sure why he doesn't warrant the abuse slung at Jack Hudson and myself - that bounder sings with an American accent! That swine's approach to traditional folk music isn't atonal andhe plays a guitar to songs that were sung unaccompanied. That cur! His arrangements are so complicated his playing sounds like clockwork!
make an effort! Tryan imagine world with a degree of equality and fairness.....can't do it. nah! didn't think you could.