The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26827   Message #329807
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
29-Oct-00 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: Government---the bigger the better !!!!
Subject: RE: Government---the bigger the better !!!!
Hallelujah I'm a Bum

Which side are you on?

They've got the money, but we've got the songs...

The amazing thing is how the people with the real money seem to be able to turn the anger of the people with not that much money against the people with next to no money, and get clean free away.

Yes, there are people cheating on welfare - and there are two types. There are a few well-organised crooks running a business doing it, the same kind of crooks who run other legal businesses robbing their fellow citizens blind. Illegal or legal, these are the kind of crooks who don't like to pay taxes, and have ways of avoiding doing so.

And there are other people struggling to get by on welfare or benefits of one sort or another who do bend the rules sometimes, rules which are often cruel and inflexible, and full of poverty traps. (I'm talking here for example about someone who gets a chance of a days work, and doesn't declare it - of course the nice middleclass person who gives him the work and pays cash in hand to save on the tax doesn't get slagged off as a tax cheat. He probably mouths off about welfare cheats.)

"The rich don't get hurt by high tax rates.... the middle class does. The rich can hide their money, they can afford huge numbers of accountants and lawyers to protect their assets. Failing all else, they can afford to purchase whatever government functionaries they need, to escape burdensome regulation."

So people should just give in to the big thieves? You should accept that nothing can be done to get the bastards, and just roll over and vote the way they want you to, the way that makes it even easier for them to avoid paying their share - and take your anger and embarrassment out on the poor, because you're too frightened to take on the real enemy.

Once again: Which side are you on?