The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142948 Message #3298156
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
28-Jan-12 - 07:11 PM
Thread Name: Extreme Folk guitar?
Subject: RE: Extreme Folk guitar?
I would imagine he could knock out the chords to Shepherds hay and the Dorset four hand reel with the best of em. Its not folk and I don't think I'd watch him very long doing instrumentals, not for the thrill of the music - as a guitarist though, I'd watch him to see if I could filch any ideas for my version of folk music, and so should you - steal wherever you can.
He DOES sound a little like the late Isaac Guillory to me, and didn't Guillory used to accompany people like June tabor. is the relationship with folk music really so opaque?
Also I take isssue with him being called unmusical. I think he's pretty nifty. If he turned up at a folkclub, I'd give him a listen.