The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142802   Message #3298196
Posted By: Bobert
28-Jan-12 - 08:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ayn Rand
Subject: RE: BS: Ayn Rand
So you won't answer that one... Okay, answer this one... Do you realize that the loan guarantee was begun and pushed heavily onto the Obama administration by the Bush folks who had been pushing for the loan going back to 2006???


Geeze... How could you miss that, GFinS...

Let me guess... Maybe because you are getting 100% of your information from "Americans for Prosperity", the Koch brother's BS propaganda machine...

Why don't you spend a little time getting some facts and quit with the propaganda that BIG OIL has crammed into your head???

What??? You don't do facts??? Why not??? They get in the way of the right winged narrative??? Geeze... Must suck to be stuck in Propagandaville...
