The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142948   Message #3298380
Posted By: Will Fly
29-Jan-12 - 08:11 AM
Thread Name: Extreme Folk guitar?
Subject: RE: Extreme Folk guitar?
Will says it ain't folk because it doesn't have the familiar structure of folk melodies.

Well, in a way, yes - except that I'd go further and say it ain't much of anything except Extreme Guitar. You could label it Extreme Jazz Guitar, for example, and then I'd dig back through my own memories of jazz from New Orleans to Coltrane and try and make some connections.

I'm not an old folk maid by any means - here's me playing a bent and twisted, jazzed-up version of "Staten Island" to make my point - and I can only applaud his technique and the hours of application he's put in to do what he does. It's clever stuff and, if I had to label it anything, I'd call it Impressionist Guitar.

What's "Extreme" about it, by the way?