The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28698   Message #3298489
Posted By: GUEST
29-Jan-12 - 11:54 AM
Thread Name: 10,000 Miles Away (On the Banks of a Lonely River)
Subject: RE: 10,000 Miles Away (On the Banks of a Lonely River)
here am i, a way over here, 10000 miles away from home, away from you my dear.
Here am i, so homesick and blue, i need so many many things, but most of all i need you
I heard part of this song on a tv series 10,000 day war, writen by a fellow in Vietnam. If anyone knows where I could find the rest of the lyrics, I'd sure appreciate it.
As an ex-serviceman and a singer/songwriter of 40 yrs, I'd like to learn it and pass it on to my kids and grand kids.
Thanks so much folks, any help would be wonderful.
Darrell Roberts, Ontario, Canada