The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142993   Message #3298838
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Jan-12 - 10:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Will Israel Attack Iran?
Subject: RE: BS: Will Israel Attack Iran?
Artbrooks, virtually everyone in the world believes that Israel has nuclear weapons...many nuclear weapons...including highly placed people in the Israeli government and military. That does not strike me as a myth. Israel's refusal to sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty was well calculated on their part, allowing them to pursue a "don't ask - don't tell" policy, but fairly recent statements by some of their own government people have tacitly (though not openly) admitted to the fact that they do have those weapons. It's asinine to assert that it's a myth, in my opinion.

The only thing in the world that can possibly prevent Israel and the USA from attacking Iran whenever they finally decide to (aside from a sudden onset of sanity)....would be the open possession of a number of nukes and effective delivery systems for same by the Iranians. Therefore, I expect that Iran WILL move heaven and earth to acquire some nukes by any means possible, because without them they are f*cked, to put it bluntly. And they know it.

If they were to use them FIRST, they'd be even more f*cked...and they know that too. End of story.

They need nukes for the same reason Pakistan needed nukes...they have an enemy far more powerful than themselves! In Pakistan's case, the enemy is India. In Iran's case it is the USA/UK/Israeli Axis.

The Iranians, Americans, and Israelis all suffer from the same psychological disease: they cannot let go of or forgive what happened in the past. They still want to get even for what happened in the past. And that is why they are all three drifting toward a totally unnecessary and potentially disastrous war. Iran would suffer the worst in that war...but all will suffer greatly.

And for nothing.

The ultimate result of that war may well be the destruction of both the present Iranian regime and the present Zionist regime in Israel...the latter more slowly, because of the inevitable reactions and repercussions that the war will bring upon them in time.

Extreme paranoids with a pension for violence have a way of accumulating enemies...many enemies...bitter enemies...and finally too many such enemies to handle. That's what happened to the Germans in WWII. It can happen to Israel too. It can even happen to the USA. It just takes time, that's all.