The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12759   Message #3300178
Posted By: GeoffLawes
01-Feb-12 - 06:53 AM
Thread Name: HTML Practice Thread
Subject: RE: HTML Practice Thread
Thank you Joe. It looked to me as if I was setting out the code exactly as you say ( I got it from you when I originally used it long ago anyway ) However, Jeri said above   
There's no space between the hash(#) and the target. (If that's what you're taking about)
which I did not understand at the time but having reconsidered the meaning of his advice I discovered that there was indeed a space between the hash and the target which I had not previously noticed. So here goes with another attempt. I am also trying out John's advice about colour which was a trigger to reconsidering Jeri's advice about the tricky properties of the hash.

 *** Songtitle,The.........(36spaces)..............  SONGWRITER(S) …27 (spaces)…  Performer(s) #